2012 как 1984? Российские трансформации и политический кризис
// Журнал «Политическая наука». 2012. № 1. C. 31--50
In Viktor Kovalev's article «2012 as 1984» possibilities of a transformation of the political mode in modern Russia are analyzed. Parallels between the present «neo-stagnation» and the situation in the USSR in the mid 1980s are drawn. To illustrate the comparison A. Amalrik's well-known work «Will the Soviet Union survive until 1984?» is chosen. According to the author of article, in the conditions of the curtailing in the Russian Federation of mechanisms of public policy and competition, the role of the 2011 and 2012 federal elections is not very considerable. The greatest influence on the political conditions in the country will be exercised by non-political and external factors. In its present condition the Russian political mode will not be able to respond to those challenges.
А. Амальрик, Д. Норт, неозастой, О. Маркеев, политическая и социальная катастрофа, Политический режим, президентские выборы 2012 г., разрушение института выборов в Российской Федерации
2012 presidential election, A. Amalrik, destruction of the institute of elections in the Russian Federation, D. Nort, neo-stagnation, O. Markeev, political and social disaster, political order
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